Aug 31, 2013

Strong denim

Zara origami skort
C&A bio T-Shirt

H&M denim jacket

Zaraskort, the must have item of this summer. Its special cut-out makes me feel stronger and more dynamic. To follow this inspiration, I think we just need to add on a denim jacket, to prevent from this bad runny and windy weather in Geneva at the moment ;) And a white shirt is the perfect combination for all black skirt or pants.

And a smile in every situation ^.^

Aug 28, 2013

Modern orange

H&M salmon orange blazer
H&M mild tone short
Yendi striped black and grey shirt
Dosenbach high-heeled oxford shoes

Back to school idea: mixing a striped shirt of dark color with a mild tone short. I seem much slimmer in this outfit. The high-heeled oxford shoes put my height up 10cm, yet still very comfortable in this sporty design. The salmon orange blazer is my favorite: elegance, trendy, warm, happy... all about a back to university second year with more energy than ever ^^

Fly fly fly... and get nearner to a bright future :)

Aug 26, 2013

Military spiked

Military green shirt from Jennifer
Spiked boot of Dosenbach Hall

Short from H&M

Inspired by the strongness of the military green color and spiked boot...

Aug 24, 2013

Free style cardigan

H&M white shirt
High tight jeans short

Dosenbach velvet boots

Cardigan bought by my mom from her trip to Hungary

Shirt, jeans and boots : the perfect combination of all time. It's casual and at the same time, express some revendication for freedom. Adding the 3 tone cardigan, it warms up my outfit and brighten it with orange. Ready for the fall to come....